Testimonials "I just wish I could be in less pain" - When 'good' vaccines cause bad reactions This article was posted to the ottawacitizen.com website on Aug 30. Shitty research by the writer, because she missed the fact that Dr Kumar Wilson is CEO of CANImmunize Inc, and his wife is PR for . Fucking amateur hour. Read more
Testimonials Victor's Pfizer Testimonial This testimonial to the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer MRNA injection is brought to you by Victor Ahuille (31). May he rest in one piece... Read more
CSA & CPTSD — I'm NOT you're father you HO'ROZCO BITCH — Please Just END Your Life as you're a 51 year old adult NOT a 15 year old child
Hey bitch.. in sickness and in health, do we SERVE and HONOUR one another.. it's a CONTRACT with God, you pedo-protective daddy fucking HO'ROZCO bitch...